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the four feathers (1977)

Director Don Sharp
Cast Robert Powell, Beau Bridges, Jane Seymour

The four feathers is a classic tale of romance and courage in a time of war. It's 1880 and Harry Feversham is forced, by his family history, into a lifelong career in the military. However falling in love makes him realise his long and painful fear of war, and on the eve of his engagement, when he receives his orders to go and fight, Harry decides to conceal the news form his fellow soldiers and resign. His family friends and fiancée find out and each present him with a single white feather as a symbol of his treachery. To prove his honour and win back Ethne's love, Harry secretly follows his regiment to Sudan. This truly compelling story tells of one man's struggle for freedom and his painful journey of self-discovery.


This is the 3rd remake (to my recollection) of this story, and the last and fourth remake was done in 2002. I can't say this version is the best as I haven't seen the previous, but certainly this one is far better than the newest. 

All I can say is that this film is a nice try to do something good, Robert gives a lot of good acting, but Beau Bridges is not convincing at all as Harry Feversham. Let's say that Jane Seymour is too pretty for him and I would have preferred she had chosen Robert at the end!
My Favorite Scenes  
Even if it's not a scene with Robert Powell, I liked the scene mixing Harry's feeling he's a looser and he wants to commit suicide and the soldiers' departure to Africa. It was really well done and  showed that Don Sharp really can do good things when he wants to.