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the golden years (1992)

Director  Paul Bryers
Cast Robert Powell, Ronald Pickup
Moctezuma, the Aztec king, takes Hernan Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadors to be gods to be welcomed into ancient Mexico. Trust evaporates amongst Moctezuma's advisors, holy men, and leiutenants as their guests become increasingly ungodlike, and internal splits amongst the Aztec hierarchy plays straight into the invaders' hands, bringing about the annihilation of the Aztec world.
God I have to see this!!!! Robert Powell playing Hernan Cortez??? I can understand why La Malinche betrayed her people for him (who wouldn't?).
This is certainly a must-seen but I've been unable to find it. It was shown on tv and it's based on Arthur Miller's eponyme play.
My Favorite Scenes  
As I haven't seen it I can't but speculate. If they are truly with history I'd love to see "La noche triste", Cortez' only defeat.